You’ve just won the Super Bowl! What are you going to do next?

I would be a huge liar if I said October has been an awesome month.

It has in fact been THE MOST STRESSFUL MONTH OF MY LIFE. Well, maybe not my whole life. I don’t remember trying to form words, but not being able to..that seems stressful. I also don’t remember failed potty training and pooping my pants (or do I?). Since there are some up in the air stressful moments, I shall rephrase…

It has in fact been THE MOST STRESSFUL MONTH IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS. Which is a lot.

Anyway, today all the stress is relieved. Today, I get to file away some financials.  I get to rid my life of 401k’s and 403b’s…until next October, anyway (still guessing what I do? Just became one step closer, my friends). Most of all, today is the start of THE BEST VACATION EVER.

No, I am not flying to Fiji or Greece and unwind in the simplicities of life. No, I am not going to dance with Maksim on DWTS (whoops, I need to make that post…). I am in fact going to be staying in town. Not waking up at 630. Lathering on SPF 8 and watching my skin turn that awesome color of RED (it tans, promise). I am essentially NOT DOING ANYTHING.

Oh and there’s one more thing to add to this glorious vacation.

AVALON AND BEN ARE VISITING. That’s right, ya heard me. Two of my best friends are visiting and we are going to ROCK OUT. Cause we are awesome. This is our theme song that will be played as we walk around…

I apologize if that video wasn’t censored (momma), but I am at work and trying to post this on the DL and don’t have sound. Ugh, my life. But I think you got the point on how this vacation is going to go down.

T-minus two hours, my October will go from THE MOST STRESSFUL MONTH IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS to THE MOST AWESOME MONTH IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS. Yep. It’s that easy.

Oh btw, to answer the title question…we are going to Disney World. THIS VACATION OWNS.
